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Mitzi Norris, PhD
Mitzi Norris, PhD

Student Satisfaction Survey Follow Up

Because the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) was established for the education mission, it is vital to understand students’ perceptions about their academic programs and student service experiences.

Every other year since 2016, the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs has administed a survey to determine student satisfaction in these areas.  The Student Satisfaction Survey conducted last fall contained 130 items and resulted in an impressive 63% response rate for students in all UMMC schools. 

The results demonstrate that 93% of students are satisfied with their studies and 91% of students are satisfied with their student experience at UMMC.

Data was analyzed by school and service area. Items where UMMC excels for all schools include high satisfaction with the Rowland Medical Library which was referenced in nine of the top 12 items. Students within the School of Medicine (SOM) also lauded the services of the library by scoring six of the library services within the top 10.

Although there is a high rate of satisfaction among all students with general service units, there are some areas that have been targeted for improvements.  Opportunities for improvement include financial aid, Wi-Fi, study space, and food and beverage.  Since the results of the survey were distributed, services have been making changes to address the issues. 

Overall the reliability of Wi-Fi connectivity was the number one issue for all schools collectively and for the SOM specifically. Several student focus groups were held with top members of the Division of Information Systems (DIS) team to understand the Wi-Fi issue.  Armed with specific information from students, the DIS team was able to narrow down the problem and identified a mechanical change that has improved connectivity.  Students also asked for better access to Wi-Fi in the patio area.  Kevin Yearick, UMMC’s Chief Information Officer, explained that new equipment is being installed and cable is being run to improve access to outside areas.

Financial services were frequently cited negatively overall and within the SOM.  Davita Weary, Director of Student Financial Aid, has reviewed processes and is working to improve services.  Advisors have been instructed to give more detailed information when advising students, and a new advisor has been hired. Representatives provide information to students, parents, and/or spouses in person and online. Financial aid processes have been updated in Workday, and the Canvas course provides more details for student exit counseling.  Dr. Emily Cole, the Executive Director for Enrollment Management, stated that new software is being implemented to make pertinent data such as guidance on student loans and financial aid options more easily accessible for our students.

Work continues as areas strive to improve their services.  The interprofessional education group has planned activities to give students opportunities to learn with, from, and about students in other UMMC schools.  The Office of Medical Education has provided workplace violence training, has created a new evidence-based medicine course, and has provided faculty and course directors development opportunities with information to increase the quality and quantity of feedback in the clinical learning environment.    

The cycle of collecting data, acting on the results, and reassessing is continuing.  The Office of Assessment is already planning the launch of the fall 2024 survey.  If you have questions or suggestions, contact